While not a bad year for me, this is definitely a year I don’t want to repeat. The reasons why I don’t want to repeat it are mainly due to the various social and political issues we faced. I hope in 2019 we can start to learn from these various incidents and start making the world a better place.
Month: December 2018
2018.12.30 – 5k Again!
Over the last month, it has been a battle to get my body back to running a daily 5k run again.
The biggest impact to me was getting hit with a bad cold followed by the Camp Fire in November. When everything finally cleared up, just around the start of December, my body was still feeling the effects of all of the smoke that was in the air. And today, I finally ran a 5k run without having to slow down for any significant time and hope to repeat it tomorrow morning.
With it being cold and dark early in the morning it has been real hard to get motivated. Yes I know it is not _that_ cold in SF – but it has been been 6c outside the last few mornings. The lack of daylight has been affecting my mood severely this year compared to the last few.
The cold windy weather didn’t help my ad-hoc travel plans either. I took Monday off thinking maybe I could go to SoCal. Hotels were just too expensive to stay somewhere for NYE and on top of that it was going to be nearly as cold in LA or SD. I am feeling kinda in a rut not having taken a weekend road trip somewhere in a bit.
It is extremely easy to fall off a healthy habit not not pick it back up. The advice I really want to give others is don’t discourage someone from doing a healthy activity. Telling someone that they can procrastinate just makes it harder to get back in the habit and it is really easy this time of year when there are natural demotivating factors.
All I can do is tell myself “Keep your chin up, doggo!”
2018.12.15 – Cyborgs and Food
I finally found something to help zip up the back of the robot catsuit this morning and took a bunch of selfies. The look is nearly perfect on me. I can’t wait to do my first run wearing this and watching the tourist stare at me while running through Golden Gate Park. Expect to see more of it.
Flash forward a few hours to after my run today, I headed out to grab lunch. But before I left I tossed a bag in my hoodie pocket just in case I decided to go grocery shopping after. While walking to get lunch I decided to say screw it and just make lunch at home despite the time and hunger I had going.
The reason why I did that was I really didn’t feel like spending nearly 20 bucks grabbing a simple lunch somewhere. Lately it seems like the cost of eating out nearly everywhere in SF is quickly approaching 20 dollars minimum. Ordering a large pizza from my go to pizza place is now over $40! Even my go to Banh Mi shop has increased prices to between $7.50 and $9.00 per sandwich! While there are a few gems out there that are cheap – twenty minimum has been my rule of thumb.
For a city known for its food, we seem to be losing a lot of our cheap and down to earth places – and this is a key part of being a successful food town. The best food I have when traveling are little hole in the wall local places. I keep on thinking to myself something has to give. And I am not the only one noticing: https://www.businessinsider.com/san-francisco-new-york-restaurant-scene-changing-high-rent-cost-of-living-2018-12
Instead for 20 dollars, I got stuff to make some creamy garlic pasta with little sausages and I have enough leftovers for at least 4 more meals.

Giving in to the cyborg fantasy and having a feeding tube of Soylent shoved down my throat while my overlords do as they please to my body might be the most cost effective thing to do. If not it is also time effective. Get a full meal and all of the sexual desires out of you. When I think about it, the time spent setting up for this scene by cleaning out, attaching all of the electrodes on to the body, inserting a feeding tube, being restrained, attaching a milker, turning everything on, and being put into bliss for a few orgasms will be quicker than going to a nice place to eat on a Friday or Saturday night.
Some food for thought.

2018.12.12 – Too many calls
2018.12.11 – Just the daily selfie
2018.12.10 – This one is not going on Facebook
Another good article on what is going on in our community has come out today – this time from Violet Blue published on Engadget (which ironically is owned by Verizon but has managed to stay independent of the corporate overlords) – https://www.engadget.com/2018/12/07/the-internet-war-on-sex-is-here/
If you read nothing else from the article – take to heart the following paragraphs.
So, since that’s what they all say, it’s probable no one really knows why Tumblr is doing this; FOSTA has been blamed, and so has Apple’s app store gatekeeping practices. Rightly so, because Apple’s role in censoring and suppressing sexual speech is longstanding, and so vile and insidious that it’ll make you rage-smash an iPhone if you take it all in at once.
But the arc of internet sex censorship is long, and it bends as far away from justice (and reason) as possible. Corporations controlling the internet had been steadily (and sneakily, hypocritically) moving this direction all along, at great expense to women, LGBT people, artists, educators, writers, and marginalized communities — and to the delight of bigots and conservatives everywhere.
While my generation only read about the sexual revolution, it feels like we are about to re-live it. This time with faster communication and a way more connected word.
My advice – don’t let others take away your rights to be who you are. The world is not all within an app – don’t be afraid to leave the walled gardens corporations have made for you.
2018.12.09 – Is my ass adult content?
Interesting times we are in. I think we are seeing the effects of FOSTA/SESTA hit. If you don’t know what it is Vox has a great article talking about what they expected the impacts to be. https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/4/13/17172762/fosta-sesta-backpage-230-internet-freedom Yet, the vagueness of the laws have made it so that legal and consensual adult content is wrapped up in it. Can you really blame the platforms for taking a wide and vague stance on what may constitute it given the risks? Do we as a community offer enough revenue in order for one of these giant social media companies to fight for us?
Major platforms are executing hair-trigger bans, content deletion, and account removals over content that used to be allowed. This weekend alone, two of my friends got put into FB jail over a images that would have been fine in the past. By my own review of the current Facebook community standards my morning selfies could be in violation if they wanted to make the argument for it.
My concern is many in the fetish, kink, and queer communities are starting to get deplatformed. The one that scares me is what happens when Facebook decides that our events can’t be published there. Facebook has become the defacto event planning tool for many – and I have not seen anyone provide a good replacement for getting the word out online about events. And very recently – there was a Vox article about how effective no-platforming has been and how it may impact anyone. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/12/5/18125507/milo-yiannopoulos-debt-no-platform
As a result of all of the turmoil, I have not been posting my selfies up to Facebook directly wondering will I trigger off something. Maybe I will post one up with the link to my post here and see if anything happens. One of my friends think I will be fine since my selfies often have that component of Men’s Health along with it (running, cycling, etc). He may be right – and I hope so.
In other news – should I go to Aquaman wearing this next weekend?
2018.12.07 – Time to break the silence
I have not been posting much up to my blog lately. This has mostly been to the funk I have been in over the last few months. Also I have gotten feedback from many that they refuse to click out the walled gardens of most social media platforms which lead me to feeling like this was a waste of time.
Over the last few months we have see Facebook change their Community Standards Policy: Link to Queerty article
Tumblr is banning adult content: Link to The Verge article
We have lost Craigslist and the personal section: Link to a Washington Post article
The effects on free speech due to FOSTA/SESTA are real. I guarantee you that your federal representative and senators voted for it – there was very little opposition to it. This added fuel to this fire and now years later we are seeing it ignite. Let’s not delude ourselves as a community – we are caught up in it and many people you know have been fighting the effects of this law.
What we need to do is get ourselves distributed again. Not let our community in the had one of a few mega corporations like Facebook and Verizon have the stranglehold on how we communicate. All they need to do to erase us is change their moderation policy – and with the broad strokes Section 230 gives them, I am afraid we have very little to fight back on.
Paying for hosting isn’t that expensive. It costs me less than a night out drinking to operate my sites for the year. If you have the balls to tell me this is too expensive, and you are holding a top-shelf cocktail in your hand at a SF bar I will be calling out your bullshit.
If you say it is too inconvenient to click a link to a friend’s externally hosted site – I will call your bullshit. This is the complacency that is about to get many communities silenced.
At the same time be weary about where you jump ship to. The world is not safe – know who you are giving this sensitive content to. We are entering a time where the US seems to be getting more socially uptight again and people will use it against you.
Over the next month I am going to spend some time getting both my SFW and NSFW (this) site updated and make this my primary social media outlet.