Interesting times we are in. I think we are seeing the effects of FOSTA/SESTA hit. If you don’t know what it is Vox has a great article talking about what they expected the impacts to be. Yet, the vagueness of the laws have made it so that legal and consensual adult content is wrapped up in it. Can you really blame the platforms for taking a wide and vague stance on what may constitute it given the risks? Do we as a community offer enough revenue in order for one of these giant social media companies to fight for us?
Major platforms are executing hair-trigger bans, content deletion, and account removals over content that used to be allowed. This weekend alone, two of my friends got put into FB jail over a images that would have been fine in the past. By my own review of the current Facebook community standards my morning selfies could be in violation if they wanted to make the argument for it.
My concern is many in the fetish, kink, and queer communities are starting to get deplatformed. The one that scares me is what happens when Facebook decides that our events can’t be published there. Facebook has become the defacto event planning tool for many – and I have not seen anyone provide a good replacement for getting the word out online about events. And very recently – there was a Vox article about how effective no-platforming has been and how it may impact anyone.
As a result of all of the turmoil, I have not been posting my selfies up to Facebook directly wondering will I trigger off something. Maybe I will post one up with the link to my post here and see if anything happens. One of my friends think I will be fine since my selfies often have that component of Men’s Health along with it (running, cycling, etc). He may be right – and I hope so.
In other news – should I go to Aquaman wearing this next weekend?