I finally found something to help zip up the back of the robot catsuit this morning and took a bunch of selfies. The look is nearly perfect on me. I can’t wait to do my first run wearing this and watching the tourist stare at me while running through Golden Gate Park. Expect to see more of it.
Flash forward a few hours to after my run today, I headed out to grab lunch. But before I left I tossed a bag in my hoodie pocket just in case I decided to go grocery shopping after. While walking to get lunch I decided to say screw it and just make lunch at home despite the time and hunger I had going.
The reason why I did that was I really didn’t feel like spending nearly 20 bucks grabbing a simple lunch somewhere. Lately it seems like the cost of eating out nearly everywhere in SF is quickly approaching 20 dollars minimum. Ordering a large pizza from my go to pizza place is now over $40! Even my go to Banh Mi shop has increased prices to between $7.50 and $9.00 per sandwich! While there are a few gems out there that are cheap – twenty minimum has been my rule of thumb.
For a city known for its food, we seem to be losing a lot of our cheap and down to earth places – and this is a key part of being a successful food town. The best food I have when traveling are little hole in the wall local places. I keep on thinking to myself something has to give. And I am not the only one noticing: https://www.businessinsider.com/san-francisco-new-york-restaurant-scene-changing-high-rent-cost-of-living-2018-12
Instead for 20 dollars, I got stuff to make some creamy garlic pasta with little sausages and I have enough leftovers for at least 4 more meals.

Giving in to the cyborg fantasy and having a feeding tube of Soylent shoved down my throat while my overlords do as they please to my body might be the most cost effective thing to do. If not it is also time effective. Get a full meal and all of the sexual desires out of you. When I think about it, the time spent setting up for this scene by cleaning out, attaching all of the electrodes on to the body, inserting a feeding tube, being restrained, attaching a milker, turning everything on, and being put into bliss for a few orgasms will be quicker than going to a nice place to eat on a Friday or Saturday night.
Some food for thought.